Aliff - Niched and specialized services

As the sole designer and developer, I took on the challenge to overhaul the visual and functional aspects of Aliff's online presence. The goal was to create a more engaging and intuitive user experience tailored to the needs of our primary audience: men aged 35 and older, typically professionals in construction-related fields. This presentation will walk you through the major improvements and innovative features that now define the Aliff brand online."


Project Goals & Objectives

  • Improve Visual Appeal: Elevate the overall aesthetic of the website to reflect a more contemporary and professional image that resonates with industry professionals. This involved implementing a clean and modern design that utilizes space, typography, and color schemes effectively to enhance readability and user engagement.

  • Enhance User Engagement: Redesign the site layout and navigation to create a more intuitive user experience that encourages longer visits and deeper exploration of Aliff’s products and services. This was to be achieved through streamlined menus, interactive elements, and dynamic content such as videos and animations that draw users in and guide them through the site.

  • Increase Conversion Rates: By improving the presentation of products and services and simplifying the navigation, the goal was to make it easier for users to find what they are looking for and take action, whether it's making a purchase, requesting a quote, or contacting customer service. This included the integration of a responsive sidebar menu and direct, accessible contact information.

  • Optimize for Mobile Devices: With a significant portion of users accessing the site from mobile devices, a key goal was to ensure that the mobile experience was as robust and user-friendly as the desktop version. Responsive design principles were paramount, ensuring that all features and content are accessible and visually appealing on any device.

  • Strengthen Brand Identity: Use the website redesign as an opportunity to strengthen Aliff's brand identity. This involved a consistent use of brand elements, such as logos, colors, and fonts across all pages and a tone of voice that communicates reliability and professionalism.


Key Features & Funcionality

In the redesign of the Aliff website, my focus was on creating not just a visually appealing interface, but also an exceptionally functional one. Each feature was meticulously crafted to enhance user interaction and satisfaction.

Below, I will outline the standout functionalities that define the new Aliff website, demonstrating how each component plays a crucial role in catering to our target audience's needs and preferences.


Homepage Enhancement

The new homepage immediately engages users with smooth animations and a sidebar menu that ensures all information is easily accessible, setting a professional tone right from the start.


Interactive Contact Info

Designed for convenience, the contact information panel elegantly slides down from the top, providing users with immediate access to Aliff’s contact details without disrupting their browsing experience.


Products/Services Page

Focus on the clean presentation of products and services, which allows for easy exploration of Aliff’s offerings, with high-quality images and minimalistic design elements that highlight the functionality and quality of the tarps and related products.



  • Technologies Used: The redesign was implemented using cutting-edge technologies and tools, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Figma for UI/UX design. Special attention was given to SEO to improve organic search performance and visibility.

  • Challenges Overcome: Updating an outdated interface to meet modern web standards while ensuring the platform remained intuitive and responsive. These challenges were met by employing advanced coding techniques and continuous user feedback integration during the design process.

  • Impact: The redesigned website has not only improved the visual identity of Aliff but has also made significant strides in user satisfaction and business outcomes, as indicated by preliminary feedback and analytics.

Let’s Collaborate



Norbert Szymkiewicz




Norbert Szymkiewicz





Norbert Szymkiewicz